Financial Planning
“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”
– Richard Cushing
We partner with you to create a financial plan that will align with your life and values.
Financial Planning Services
Cash Flow Management
Building financial margin to cover the unexpected.
Having a plan to retire well and continue to thrive.
Risk Management
Having the appropriate amount of insurance to cover risks.
Charitable Giving
Impactful and tax-efficient charitable giving.
Saving for long-term goals like education and retirement.
Estate Planning
Developing a plan that passes on wealth & wisdom.
Investment Management
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't... pays it.”
– Albert Einstein
We partner with you to manage your investments and align them with your life and values.

Investment Management Services
Minimizing risks such as interest rates, inflation, concentrations.
Minimizing investment costs and fees.
Maximizing returns based on your tolerance for market risk.
Performance reporting on investment accounts.
Creating an Investment Policy Statement (IPS).
Value Based
Aligning investments with your values: ESG, SRI, BRI.

Tax Planning
“The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.”
– Will Rogers
We partner with your tax preparer to plan and help you minimize your tax liability.
Tax Planning Services
Avoiding overpaying and unnecessary taxes.
Gifting assets with minimal tax burden.
Tax Deferral
Delaying taxes to allow for compound growth.
Charitable Giving
Maximizing tax savings with charitable giving strategies.
Company Stock
Minimizing taxes on company stock and stock options.
Reducing impact of any taxes on your estate.